Friday, February 20, 2009

Silence - When all the noise stops

Our world today consists of so many noises....horns,mobile phone rings,alarms,reminders etc....
we need some time during the day when all the noises possible are blocked. The only noise is of something that we like to do most probably of music. How many of us are lucky enough for that?
How many of us can stay away from our mobile phones even for an hour during the day let alone the other kinds of noises.......

We need that time and we really do. Have found out a way of doing that :), listen to music and go running. It serves a lot of purposes at the same time....staying away from the noise, helps you to lose weight and the most important of all gives you the silence you hour during the day when you let your mind wonder without any target pressures, phone calls, meetings.....lets you think whatever you want that part of the day and hope that I can continue this for long.....